A Silent Revolution: Living an Intuitive Life
Each day I begin by reacquainting with my being. Taking a few moments to integrate my sleep and dream state, as much is going on during that time. Some days I wake up ready to start the day, most days lazying in bed a while longer- eventually drifting into a liminal state for another hour or two.
Every day is different for me. I do not have a steady schedule, aside from work. I’m not too keen on making plans and routines tend to come and go depending on my current needs. Of course we need to make plans or adjustments before major change, routines and schedules for events or projects we’re working towards. But we can become easily discouraged for not sticking to what we had originally set out to do.
This is the main focus in living an intuitive life- not being hard on self for genuinely listening to your wants and needs each day, hour and even minute. Although we cannot abandon all set schedules and routines, we can allow room for adjustments. Rather than placing further pressure on self, comparing to others or thinking of what you ‘should have / could be’ been doing.
We’ve been set into limiting beliefs:
We must work hard to obtain
We only have weekends to enjoy
We must eat healthy to be fit
We must work x amount of hours in our craft to reach success
While achievements can be and are made through these beliefs- we can become depleted constantly pushing ourselves to reach something. In the process of doing so, we lose touch of why we were doing it in the first place. Slowly drifting into autopilot, ultimately causing a loop cycle of limiting thoughts and beliefs.
Not only do we feel this societal pressure, but we’re also pushed into pressure for time. While we do only have ‘so much time’ here, time is constantly contracting and expanding- shifting with our experience and emotions.
We must hold space for ourselves through the long nights of loneliness that seem to have no end. Though a moment will come where the light flickers through, as a new dawn always arrives. As well as accepting the blissful moments that seem to be quickly fleeting. Embracing the multitude of emotions we are able to experience, flowing within our ever-changing tides.
Through the journey of life we become so curious about ourselves and our existence that in the process of ‘finding ourselves’ we often lose ourselves. In the moments of feeling ‘lost, stuck, confused, not knowing what to do’ we are being asked to pause, quite down the mind and listen.
It is a process of major patience finding balance, peace and contentment within. It requires us to stand in the eye of the storm, loving self unconditionally. Coming face to face with our deepest fears, becoming self aware and accountable. Observing our thoughts, speaking our minds and asking questions.
Following our heart through and through, even when it doesn’t make sense. Ultimately surrendering, accepting what is and trusting in the timing of all things in our life.