A Silent Revolution: Internal Conversations, Thoughts & Interpretations

Our minds can be a complex function to fully grasp the inner workings of. Even more so how to wield it to our advantage.

It’s easy to get lost in ourselves, in our minds and in our thoughts. Trying to seek meaning in every sign, synchronicity and experience.

Or quite the opposite, becoming too unbearably confusing and overwhelming, we go back to finding comfort in what we know, in what feels safe.

Example: seeing a black cat and thinking you now have bad luck versus seeing the cat as a suggestion for you to focus more on your personal power and how to use it.

It is a journey, completely rewiring self, personal beliefs and the things we feel we must do. But it isn’t impossible.

EXERCISE 1: Pick your own synchronicity or sign.

Maybe one you already experience or one you never have before and give it your own meaning

(seeing number 123, seeing a certain animal or insect, a blooming flower, etc.)

Now every time you see that sign or synchronicity, you have created your own meaning and understanding of what it is that is being communicated to you and you only.

*It is important to stay open, as all things are INFINITELY shifting. Creating INDEFINITE labels can be limiting. Strongly use discernment, intuition and as always, listen.

EXERCISE 2: Notice an internal dialogue, conversation or reoccurring thought you have within.

•Whether it be physical self appearance

•Thoughts and ideas of others

•Material, money, possessions; etc.

•Desires and fantasies

As you begin your thought pattern(s), begin to observe. Becoming even more aware of these internal conversations.

What are you thinking? How does it make you feel? Are you wanting to react to a feelings? Do you believe these thoughts to be true?

Rather than attaching to any thought right away - good or bad - continue to observe. Trying to remove self from the thought.

How much of the narrative are goin in control of? Are you feeling a rise in emotion? A desire to take action?

Take a few deep breaths. Becoming aware our thought patterns takes much patience, mindfulness and repetition. Begin to notice how often you come back to certain conversations, ideas and thoughts.

*Positive affirmations and expressing gratitude are simple ways to begin change. Journaling or writing various thoughts, dreams and daily experiences is also a great physical way to process and reflect.

Continue observing your internal and external worlds, taking notes and quieting down the mind often to listen, listen, listen. Becoming fully present through ‘mundane’ day to day tasks. Much patience is required as we restructure the way we perceive our worlds within and around us.

Though it is equally important to remember to never push self too hard. We do not need to be aware of every and all moments/happenings of the mind. But enough to understand our true wants, the things we wish to create and the ways we hope the shape the future of our world.

Guardianes2014 Acrylic on canvas – 100*130 cm“We are all the guardians. We are called to protect our nature with the same ferocity that jaguars possess when caring for their young.”- Luis Tamani

“We are all the guardians. We are called to protect our nature with the same ferocity that jaguars possess when caring for their young.” - Luis Tamani

Acrylic on canvas – 100*130 cm“ [2014] luis tamani

Through the awareness of self, we find inner peace and contentment in being. Just as the tower falls, completely crumbling to the ground, there is an opportunity to rebuild. An opportunity to have faith. Believing in something greater but most importantly believing in self. In a self beyond any expectation, creation, or contribution. The fulfillment in being all we are meant to be, simply in our co-existence. The faulty structures must break, allowing us the opportunity to slow down, restructure our minds and together - build a strong foundation for us all to thrive.
