A Silent Revolution: The Past That Impacts Us

A peculiar thing it is to look into the past, diving into memories and how we’ve stored them. It’s said that about 50% of memories details change in a year, although most are convinced they are 100% right.


“Then and there are absolutely irrelevant. Or aren’t they? What about your husband’s death, for example? Is that irrelevant?” …

“In the context of what I have to do now - yes completely irrelevant. That’s something I had to learn.”

“Does one learn to forget?”

“It isn’t a matter of forgetting. What one has to learn is how to remember and yet be free of the past. How to be there with the dead and yet still be here, on the spot, with the living.”

- Aldous Huxley, Island

We store many memories, a certain few attached to stronger emotions than others. Categorizing as ‘good, bad’ and some even forgotten.

Rather than attaching ourselves to every memory and experience- we can open up the space to feel our emotions as they arise and resurface - especially when we don’t understand.

Often time we ask ourselves “why is this happening” “why me” or “why am I even feeling this way”. Other times, avoiding the thoughts and feelings altogether.

Though we don’t need to always feel it all, it is important to allow these feelings to arise for release. Releasing through the many ways we need to, physically and emotionally. Spaces we can make to create, share, express, destroy and find anew in safe and healthy ways.


Eternally lost, Zachriel carelessly winds and unwinds the threads of thought. Memory has no worries or concerns.

The power of remembrance is balanced by the power of forgetfulness. Pouring memory into the cup of forgetfulness makes room for new memory. Zachriel is the Angel of all memory, even memory lost. If you take something with you, you must also leave something behind.

Signs: A knot, a loom, a maze

Peter Mohrbacher - Angelarium

The journey begins within, as we can only meet others from where we are internally with ourselves. We have built walls and barriers within to protect ourselves. Titles and trauma we identify with.

No one is rushing, pressuring or pushing us to heal in any set time frames. The only expectations we place, are upon ourselves. This does not mean taking abrupt actions, nor the need to go into complete isolation and heal every aspect of self. This is an ongoing process that takes continuous mindfulness, patience and most importantly- forgiveness of self.

We must be here for one another now more than ever, through the never ending journey of life. Though it is no one’s responsibility to save another- we shall continue to walk together with compassion. Welcoming who we have always been, as we release all that was once familiar.
