Prologue: Through The Eyes Of Perception
We are ever evolving beings. Bound by the present moment, impacted by the past while simultaneously creating our future. It is important through our experiences to not only continue discovering paths that resonate the most within but to also remain open to others views, ideas and opinions.
While endless amounts of information is constantly being funneled down, it is up to us to pick apart and piece together our perceiving of own realities.
There is no ‘higher than’ or ‘less than’ as we are all traversing in our own unique, physical vessels. Various skills, talents, opportunities, lessons, experiences and many paths we will take.
No one needs to see what you see. No one needs to believe what you believe. We are here to create our own reality. To break every barrier and wall we have placed for safety. Remembering who we truly are, not in who we are or what we do, but in a state of being.
As we begin to reflect on life’s many moments, turning our gaze further within - our perception, views and beliefs will continually begin to alter. Remaining open and humble through the many shifts and changes that will come and go.
At times, it can feel like a lonely journey. Not having physical connection, someone to relate or talk to. Other times feeling a loss for words, not knowing where to start or that you can’t even begin to talk about what you are experiencing.
You are beautifully unique and must understand your own emotions and experiences that have impacted you or are currently affecting you. Embracing the various stages of life and our vast spectrum of emotions. Not in any action but in a state of being, creating, feeling and experiencing.
It is important to reach out for help when needed and equally important to use discernment when seeking external help. Follow your intuition, inner guidance and try various options - as one person or thing will not fix all, nor are there any quick fixes.
Above all: don’t be hard on self (easier said than done, I know!) It’s easy to compare ourselves to others or place judgment on self / others for where you are currently at. Be kind to yourself.
This journey is completely unique to you. As you step further within, many people, interests, etc; will begin to fall away- let them. As your internal is changing, so too is your external - though nothing happens overnight. We must relearn how to live intuitively rather than instantaneously.
It’s all programing, even in spiritual communities, to remain in various loop cycles. To seek outside of self rather than reconnecting within. Sometimes we must accept what is, rather than seeking answers to all of our questions (though we must never stop asking!) Sitting with ourselves and finding balance within the many thoughts that come and go. Taking time to slow down, really listen and observe.
All of this takes practice, patience and mindfulness. Ultimately, surrendering to the experience and trusting in the unique journey despite it’s many twists and turns. It all begins with a commitment to change, followed by a leap into the unknown.